Demystifying and Normalizing the Postpartum Experience

We are not medical experts. We are not the go to source for information on parenting or birth. We are two well-informed mothers and professionals. As a doula, Taylor is trained to provide postpartum doula support and stays up to date on the birth world. As a mental health counselor Fiona is trained to support women to manage a variety of challenging situations including postpartum adjustment and mental health issues. We will share evidence-based information and suggest resources to help you dig a little deeper. We will share ideas with expecting mamas about how to prepare for the postpartum transition.  We will encourage honestly about the challenging parts so that new moms aren’t blindsided.  We want you to be empowered to make conscientious decisions about your and your family’s well-being.

Choosing Gratitude

These days I find myself straddling the line and wavering between acceptance of the never-ending to do list and resistance to it. It feels like my husband and I could spend all day hacking away at the responsibilities and still not feel accomplished or done by the end of the day. And then, of course, there are the big kids who are home with us all the time and who want and need our engagement. And we truly want to be with them too, spending time doing the things that bring them and us joy.

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Newborn Sleep Resources – Changing the Game

If you are anything like me you obsessed about newborn sleep with your first baby. You read tons of articles and books and tried all different strategies to get your baby to sleep longer and on her own.

I read so many books and articles on newborn sleep the first time around. From gentle strategies to cry it out methods. I dabbled in them all, but nothing really changed the situation.

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7 Things I Did to Make my Postpartum Period Easier

My second daughter will be seven weeks old on Friday. She came into the world in a totally different way than her sister and this postpartum experience has been totally different for me as well. I spent many posts on this blog sharing my postpartum plans this time... read more