Identifying Self-Care Strategies

Self-care may be somewhat of a cliche these days, but there’s just no way around it. You need to take care of yourself in order to take care of a baby. This can mean anything from hiring a postpartum doula to help you in the early weeks, to simply eating a snack every day between lunch and dinner. We’ve got tons of self-care tips and we will share them all with you! We know you’ll find a self-care approach to fit your personality and lifestyle.

Get Postpartum Help Without Leaving the House

Today I want to talk about why it’s so challenging to leave the house, why it’s still important to get help now, and how you can get postpartum help, even without leaving the house. I know that you will leave the house again, and that things may be hard right now.

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5 Ways to Fit Self-Care into Your Postpartum Days

What comes to mind when you think of self-care? The term is a trendy one these days, especially in the world of motherhood. When I used to hear “self-care”, I would think of hour-long massages, relaxing on a pristine beach, and candlelit baths. While these things are nice, and certainly nothing to scoff it, this image of self-care is often overwhelming to the postpartum mom because it feels unattainable.

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How to Enjoy Winter With a New Baby Part 2

My last NMP post was all about how to cozy up your life a bit to combat the winter blues.  I also promised a follow-up post focused on staying active and getting outside during the winter with a new baby. I generally appreciate winter because I am an avid skier, but... read more