Demystifying and Normalizing the Postpartum Experience

We are not medical experts. We are not the go to source for information on parenting or birth. We are two well-informed mothers and professionals. As a doula, Taylor is trained to provide postpartum doula support and stays up to date on the birth world. As a mental health counselor Fiona is trained to support women to manage a variety of challenging situations including postpartum adjustment and mental health issues. We will share evidence-based information and suggest resources to help you dig a little deeper. We will share ideas with expecting mamas about how to prepare for the postpartum transition.  We will encourage honestly about the challenging parts so that new moms aren’t blindsided.  We want you to be empowered to make conscientious decisions about your and your family’s well-being.

Accepting my Children for Who They Are

I am my 4-month-old’s favorite person. This is just as it should be and it’s so very sweet, but of course it’s also exhausting. He rarely wants to be held by anybody else, and if he does, he doesn’t last long before looking around for me and protesting until I return.

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What Jane the Virgin Gets Right and Wrong about Postpartum

All this down time has given me the opportunity to catch up on one of my favorite (slightly guilty) pleasures – Jane the Virgin. ***Spoiler Alert *** Season 2 starts with Jane’s transition into motherhood. Though her situation is as dramatic as the best daytime soap opera, there is still some realistic plot around the postpartum experience.

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Noticing the Good

Life with a small baby is hard.  There are uncountable tough moments and so many days that feel entirely too challenging.  Add to that two older children who are always home with me, and some of my days feel downright overwhelming.  After a stretch of 3 incredibly... read more