Identifying Self-Care Strategies

Self-care may be somewhat of a cliche these days, but there’s just no way around it. You need to take care of yourself in order to take care of a baby. This can mean anything from hiring a postpartum doula to help you in the early weeks, to simply eating a snack every day between lunch and dinner. We’ve got tons of self-care tips and we will share them all with you! We know you’ll find a self-care approach to fit your personality and lifestyle.

The Perks of Being a Slacker Mom

We’ve all been there. The moment when you finally have a few minutes to yourself and you are racing through ideas of what to do. You think, I could clean the bathroom, or write that email, or make dinner, or read a few pages of my book, maybe have a cup of tea, maybe do a load of laundry, maybe watch an episode of Orange is the New Black. There are so many options and what do you choose?

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Keeping Quiet about Postpartum is Hurting Us All

Today I want to talk about the power of silence over our wellness. To start I want to reflect on the first outing with my daughter when she was a newborn. She was probably 2-3 weeks old and I went with Taylor (NMP co-founder) to a Birth Network Central New York meeting. It couldn’t have been a better setting to take a newborn. It was a small group of mothers discussing birth advocacy in our area. If anyone would help me brave this first outing it would be this group. I was anxious about my first adventure as a mom.

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How to Really Find Out How A Postpartum Mom is Doing

As a mental health counselor I often find myself trying to elicit information from clients about their wellness.  I’ve found over the years that just asking a general “how are you doing?”  Doesn’t really get me much information.  There are some folks who are open books, and can’t help but give a genuine in-depth answer to this question, but most people respond in brief.  New mothers are no exception.

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